AMS Advocacy provides formal measures for when a student is in direct conflict with the University.

AMS Advocacy provides formal measures for when a student is in direct conflict with the University.

The AMS Food Bank is an emergency food relief service for UBC students in need.

The AMS Food Bank is an emergency food relief service for UBC students in need.

The Sexual Assault Support Centre is a on-campus resource for all survivors of sexual violence. DKE UBC is proud to partner with them to promote a survivor-centric atmosphere on campus from an intersectional lens. All DKE members are required to participate in a mandatory Sexual Assault Workshop, hosted by the UBC Sexual Assault Support Centre; designed to educate our members about the responsibilities of a gentleman, respect and mutual consent.

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office is a UBC based organization specializing in survivor-centric support for survivors of sexual violence. It provides support services, academic concessions and other reporting options. 

VICE’s services are centered around education, peer dialogue, and mentorship.

Safewalk is a transportation service that will accompany students, staff and visitors who feel unsafe walking alone, across campus.

Safewalk is a transportation service that will accompany students, staff and visitors who feel unsafe walking alone, across campus.

Speakeasy provides free, confidential, one-on-one peer support for UBC students and staff facing a wide variety of challenges.

Speakeasy provides free, confidential, one-on-one peer support for UBC students and staff facing a wide variety of challenges.

During the school year, drop-in group tutoring sessions happen every week from Monday to Thursday in various locations around campus.

During the school year, drop-in group tutoring sessions happen every week from Monday to Thursday in various locations around campus.